Our Vacuum's Suck But We Don't!
Honestly what is the key to getting good cleaning services for your business?
It's the individual cleaner that we hire to clean your facility.
Since 1982 we have been providing commercial cleaning services to great companies in the Denver Metro Area. Providing good cleaning is not rocket science:
1) We interview and select cleaners by experience, knowledge of techniques, ability to work with others and with customers, desire to please the customer, their work history, and more importantly their Maturity. We even go as far as to take a look at the condition of a candidates vehicle to see if it's keep clean and neat.
2) We perform a detailed background check on all perspective cleaners.
3) We train all workers in a method of limited multitasking capacity to ensure they understand all site specific and scope of work details.
4) We make sure all cleaners have good equipment and supplies
5) We empower workers to be proactive and help our customers pursuant to the work we provide and look to ways to enhance the service we provide overall.
6) We pay them above average for the industry.
7) We limit change and unnecessary disruptions to schedules and tasks to ensure consistent service.
That's THE CREW way...